City Moments

Bernd Rathjen: City Moments
Memories of a time when travelling was a breeze

What is city? How do we perceive urbanity? What role does architecture play in a global world? And what do its images refer to?

The exhibition brings together photographs from 21 cities on 5 continents: Berlin, Brasilia, Christchurch, Honolulu, Lisbon, London, Los Angeles, Monte Carlo, New York, Paris, Ramallah, San Francisco, Shanghai, Sydney, Tel Aviv and Torino. In quiet, mostly deserted black-and-white shots, striking buildings, towers and signs loom into view, extravagant interiors open up.

Bernd Rathjen, born in Hamburg in 1966, started taking photographs at the age of 12. He worked in the music, TV and event industry for 30 years. A few years ago he began to devote himself more and more to photography. He created a number of series about architecture, cars, art and people. In 2020 his series Tegel Moments was shown with great success at Köppe Contemporary. Bernd Rathjen lives in Berlin and La Palma.

Curator of the exhibition: Nadine Barth / barthouse

Note: The exhibition will be held in compliance with the 2G rule. Proof of vaccination or convalescence is required.


Friday, 03 December 2021 | 19-22 h

Opening Weekend

Sat, 4. December 2021 | 14–18 h & Sun, 5. December 2021 | 12–16 h



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