
It is with great pleasure that Galerie Köppe Contemporary presents a solo exhibition of Julia Benz for the first time. Oscillation, as the exhibition is titled, shows recent works that, based on the (acrylic) glass installations of recent years, deal with the color spectrum of refracted light. In interaction with the burnt-in dyes, the exhibited glassworks use light as a design element and at the same time as a transformative force. In the varying appearance of those installation objects, Julia Benz brings together the immaterial properties of light with the material properties of painting. As an integral part of the reception of the work, the glass objects and their color impression are revealed to the viewer depending on the viewing position and angle.


Friday 13. May 2022 | 19–22 h

Opening Weekend

Sat 14.05.22 | 14–18 h & Sun 15.05.22 | 12–17 h



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